This trailer is custom designed for transporting special equipment. The trailer has a reinforced frame and chassis, which allows it to transport loads up to 3500 kg.
The trailer is equipped with a torsion suspension (with a working load of up to 3500 kg). There are also 2 retractable ladders, a reinforced support wheel and rear support posts that work on the principle of a jack. The dimensions of the trailer and the equipment can be changed at the request of the client.
This trailer was developed by individual order for the transportation of special equipment. The trailer has a reinforced frame and undercarriage, which allows it to transport loads up to 3500 kg.
This trailer was developed by individual order for the transportation of special equipment. The trailer has a reinforced frame and undercarriage, which allows it to transport loads up to 2700 kg. Due to the adjustable drawbar, the trailer can be operated with various vehicles.
This trailer was developed by individual order for the transportation of special equipment. The trailer has a reinforced frame and undercarriage, which allows it to transport loads up to 3500 kg.
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